Frequently Asked Questions

What is MagnaPin?

MagnaPin®is the original magnetic pin converter. It is a high-quality, reusable magnetic accessory used as an alternative way to attach any item with a pin shaft (such as pins, brooches, name tags and pin/pendants) to fine garments. MagnaPin® is a super strong magnet brooch converter. Use MagnaPin® on fabrics you wouldn’t dare pierce with a pin, such as satin, leather, suede, linen, silk and even fur.

Can you convert a min to a magnet?

MagnaPin® allows you to easily convert a pin or pins (including enamel pins, a boutonniere, a corsage, a brooch, etc.) to a strong magnet.  The patented design is an easy to use system where you insert the pin through a pre-made shaft, and voila! the pin is now converted to a magnet. See examples in our MagnaPin® How-To Videos.

Will my brooch slide along the pin shaft when on the MagnaPin®?

No, the small “V-channel” on the top of the MagnaPin® contains a substance that grips your pin shaft and securely holds your brooch in place. Our exclusive, patented design is just one way the MagnaPin® magnetic brooch converter is superior to the mass-produced imitations you might find online.

How do I get my pin through the back?

The first time you use the MagnaPin®, you may encounter a slight resistance when inserting your pin shaft through the V-channel on the top of the MagnaPin®. Do not worry. Insert the pin shaft into one side of the V-channel, pull it out and insert it through the other end of the V-channel. Once the pin is successfully inserted, it will feel snug when you move the MagnaPin® along the pin shaft.

Will my pin shaft bend when I insert it through the back?

The material inside the V-channel is quite strong but most pin shafts do not bend when inserted. If you have any concern that this may happen, insert a safety pin first. Once the material in the V-channel has been pierced once, subsequent insertion of pin shafts will be easy.

Can I use the MagnaPin® to attach corsages and boutonnieres?

Yes. It is recommended to use two MagnaPins® when attaching flowers to a garment. Two MaganPins® allow you to balance the flowers appropriately and to secure a strong connection with the garment. See the easy illustrated/written instructions on the packaging.

How powerful is the magnet?

The MagnaPin® magnet is so powerful that it can make a connection even through fur! This means it will also easily make connection with other metal objects. It is suggested that you store MagnaPins® separately from other jewelry, or if you like to keep MagnaPins® on your favorite brooches, store the brooches separately.

MagnaPin® is nickle-plated, and may cause a skin reaction to persons allergic to nickel.

Can I lose my brooch because the MagnaPin® is not strong enough?

The loss of an item attached with a MagnaPin® is very unlikely, due to the significant strength of the magnets. First, be careful not to seriously snag the brooch/pin on any object. Second, if you do have a concern about the possible loss of a large or valuable brooch, it is recommended that you use two MagnaPins® (one on each end of the pin shaft.)

What is the MagnaPin® return policy?

MagnaPin® is a one-of-a-kind product, that was designed and manufactured with great care.  The pins are individually packaged, and inspected for quality by a quality control supervisor. In over two decades of selling our magnetic pin converters, we have never had a MagnaPin® returned for defect. But if believe your MagnaPin® is defective please contact us, and we will work with you to return your MagnaPin® and provide a replacement.